Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Sepolia is now the official testnet of Quantix. This transition marks a significant step forward in enhancing your experience with Quantix.
Key Achievements:
- Contract Migration: We successfully deployed all contracts onto the new test chain, ensuring seamless compatibility with Sepolia. This upgrade means a more robust and reliable platform.
- Platform Backend Migration: The backend of our platform has been seamlessly migrated to Sepolia, promising a smoother user experience and improved overall performance.
- Sushiswap Integration: We've integrated a fork of Sushiswap into our platform, complete with a custom UI developed in-house. Although Sushiswap doesn't currently support Sepolia, our team's efforts enhance your trading experience.
- RoyaltyRegistry Status: The last piece from the original Goerli project, the RoyaltyRegistry for standard NFT royalties, is temporarily paused on our end. We await the implementation of multisig wallet support on Sepolia, such as Gnosis/Safe. We're closely monitoring developments in this area to bring you the best.
Goerli Testnet Diamonds:
For our existing community members, we have exciting news: your Goerli testnet diamonds are on their way to Sepolia! Your hard-earned rewards will continue to shine in our new home.
We are excited to announce that we have significantly improved the user experience of our Buy/Sell token popups. Here are the changes you can expect to see:
Buy Tokens:
We have updated the Buy Tokens popup to make it even easier for you to purchase shares. Both input fields are now updatable, so entering a number of shares in the first field will automatically calculate the amount to pay in the second field. Similarly, entering an amount in the second field will calculate the number of shares you will receive.
Sell Tokens, Buy Assets, QPShares:
We have also made style improvements to the Sell Tokens, Buy Assets, and QPShares popups to make them consistent with the Buy Tokens popup. In addition, we have removed the text under the heading title and moved it into a generic help popup, improving the overall clarity and simplicity of the interface.
We are confident that these changes will make your experience of using our platform even more enjoyable and efficient.
Here are the detailed improvements.
Buy tokens:

Note: both the inputs fields are updatable, so entering a number of shares in the first field, will calculate the amount to pay in the second field.
Entering an amount in the second field will calculate the number of shares you will get.
Sell tokens, Buy Assets, QPShares:

In those popups, only the style class has been improved in order to follow the Buy Token one.
Note: the text under the heading title has been removed and moved into a generic help popup, i.e.

Starting from version 3.3.28, we have added new filters and a new feature for NFTs: NFT Locked.

This feature helps easily identify NFTs that are currently locked and not available for purchase due to a co-owner's decision.
We also introduced New Highlighted filters:

Quantization: filter assets in which you can invest during the quantization phase (excluding NFTs that have reached 100% quantization).
Trade Free Shares: filter assets you can trade freely in the market (excluding NFTs with frozen shares).
Buy NFT: filter assets you can buy as a whole in the free market (excluding locked NFTs).
The royalties (standard EIP2981 or checkable at are imported automatically when available.
In case of standard Quantizazion, the % will be sent to the recipients when the asset goes to FreeMarket and will be taken directly from the amount intended for the seller.
In case of self Quantization, the % will be sent to the recipients when the seller will claim his gains and will be taken directly from the amount intended for the seller.
We could decide to use or not this feature, and we can enable this feature in the future.
At the moment is ON